Historical Winners for VSCC Trophies Awarded at Events

With over 70 years of competitive history, the Vintage Sports-Car Club has accumulated a collection of over 120 trophies. Named Trophies are traditionally tied to specific events, which include sets of trophies from which our Race Meetings often take their names, such as the Seaman Memorial Trophies, trophies awarded for Fastest Time of Day at a Sprint or Hill Climb or for overall winners of Trials, Rallies and Driving Tests. These are presented to the winners at the Club’s Annual General Meeting, traditionally held in March of the following year, and are held for a period of one year.
To see the Winners for an Event Trophy Please select the event type on the left or
To see the index for all Trophies please (Click Here)
To see the index for all Trophies please (Click Here)