What We Do

Motorsport Events
The Vintage Sports-Car Club is one of very few Clubs around the world to organise such a wide variety of competitive events across several different motoring disciplines throughout the year.From Racing to Sprints and Hill Climbs, Trials to Navigation Rallies and Driving Tests, the VSCC boasts a full calendar of competition from January to December each year, for Edwardian, Vintage, Post-Vintage and Historic cars.
Find out more about each of competitive disciplines at our Event Types pages.
Social Events
In addition to our calendar of competitive events, the VSCC also organise a number of social motoring events each year for those who wish to use their Pre-war car in a more leisurely manner.Such events include Touring Assemblies, both day events in various regions around the UK and overseas tours or Concours events, which often run alongside our major speed events.
Find out more about our Touring events at our Event Types.
Marshals' Training
The VSCC has a vibrant and active Marshalling community with a dedicated and loyal core of volunteers who help run our events throughout the year. From trackside to hillside, technical to administrative, the list of duties required is extensive.To that end, the Club enjoys a close relationship with the UK's governing body - Motorsport UK - under whom we carry out a number of Training Days each year. This covers a variety of topics, including Flag/Track Marshalling, Clerking, Report Writing and Safety sessions.
To find out more about Marshalling, visit our Marshals pages.
The VSCC also offers a wide range of Regalia, including a wide range of Men's, Women's and Childrens' clothing, pens, key-rings, stickers, tax disc holders, umbrellas and more.We also sell Marshals' Overalls and other waterproof clothing for those marshalling trackside.Visit our Online Shop to view the current range, where you can also buy tickets for our Public events and our annual Club Christmas card.
You will see the VSCC Club Display at all our public events, as well as at a number of National and International Historic Car Shows such as Race Retro and the Classic Car Show at the NEC, where you can purchase a limited range of our reglia. The Display is managed by a group of Club member volunteers, who help promote the VSCC to the wider motoring community.