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Event Class Race Pos No Driver CarMake CarDesc Year ccS Elig Score Award Laps Time Behind Best Pract
WelshRly14 cl_1 2 Paul EASTER SUNBEAM 0 1st
WelshRly14 cl_1 1 Charles TINDLE FRAZER 0 0k
WelshRly14 cl_1 14 Barry CLARKE HRS SP 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_1 27 Dr Dick PATTEN RILEY 0 N/S
WelshRly14 cl_1 25 Richard PREST MORRIS 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_1 26 Matthew BELL AUSTIN 0 Ret
WelshRly14 cl_1 6 Dr. Nick BELL ALVIS 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_1 8 Jonathan SWALES AUSTIN 0 2nd
WelshRly14 cl_1 7 John COLLINS RILEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_1 12 Stephen HARVEY RILEY 0 TALYLL
WelshRly14 cl_1 4 Martin JELLEY CITROEN 0 N/S
WelshRly14 cl_1 9 Felix COLLINS ALVIS 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_1 28 Stuart COOKE MORRIS 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_1 3 Ray EDGE BENTLEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_1 11 John WEBBER ALVIS 0 2nd
WelshRly14 cl_1 10 Neil THORP SINGER 0 0


class 1
Experts Year cc Elig Score Award
WelshRly14 cl_2 18 Peter PEARCE SUNBEAM 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_2 23 Robert GIBSON AUSTIN 0 Ret
WelshRly14 cl_2 19 Keith WILSON RILEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_2 22 Robert BRITCHER LANCIA 0 Ret
WelshRly14 cl_2 17 Nicolas WILLIAMS MORRIS 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_2 20 Robert RENSHAW AUSTIN 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_2 16 Mike FOUNTAIN LAGONDA 0 1st
WelshRly14 cl_2 15 Miss Saskia HART HUMBER 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_2 21 Mrs Jayne WIGNALL SUNBEAM 0 2nd


class 2
Semi-Experts Year cc Elig Score Award
WelshRly14 cl_3 38 Andrew STEVENS FRAZER 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 32 Kit POWER BENTLEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 37 Bob RICHARDS RILEY 0 Ret
WelshRly14 cl_3 43 Ben WILDSMITH GN VIT 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 33 Martin TRENTHAM BENTLEY 0 1st
WelshRly14 cl_3 39 Steve ALLEN BENTLEY 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_3 34 David HUXLEY ALVIS 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 42 Chris CROUCH ALVIS 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 40 Richard WHITE RILEY 0 3rd
WelshRly14 cl_3 35 Trevor TARRING FRAZER 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 30 Charles TEALL AUSTIN 0 2nd
WelshRly14 cl_3 36 Richard MORBEY MG P T 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 41 Peter HARDING LANCIA 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_3 31 Tim HILLS AUSTIN 0 Ret


class 3v
Champagne Year cc Elig Score Award


class 3x
Novices Year cc Elig Score Award
WelshRly14 cl_4 46 Anthony GALLIERS-PRATT LANCIA 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_4 45 Graham TYSON ROLLS-R 0 Merit
WelshRly14 cl_4 50 Paul CONNOR RILEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_4 48 Peter STREET RILEY 0 0
WelshRly14 cl_4 49 Adam DUFFIN FRAZER 0 Winner
WelshRly14 cl_4 47 Ian BROUGH AUSTIN 0 0