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Event Class Race Pos No Driver CarMake CarDesc Year ccS Elig Score Award Laps Time Behind Best Pract
These are Provisional Unverified Results


class -
N/A Year cc Elig Score Award


class 1f
Trophy Class Fast Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_1f 1 6 Robert ELLIS FRAZER NASH SUPER SPORTS 1929 0 Spl 0 ;
Meash25 cl_1f 2 7 Andrew ISHERWOOD MG PA 1934/35 0 Spl 3 The Richard Dames-Longworth Trophy
Meash25 cl_1f 3 12 Peter DODDS RILEY MK III 4STR TOURER 1928 0 Mod 21 The Measham Trophy; V
Meash25 cl_1f 4 2 Tim JONES VAUXHALL 30-98 WENSUM 1925 0 Mod 23 2nd Class
Meash25 cl_1f 5 9 Dr Christopher DOWNHAM RILEY LYNX 1936 0 Std 39 3rd Class
Meash25 cl_1f 6 3 Mr Patrick TEAGUE AUSTIN 7 ULSTER 1929 0 Mod 48 V
Meash25 cl_1f 7 11 Neil THORP RAILTON RANALAH SPORTS COUPE 1935 0 Mod 53 V
Meash25 cl_1f 8 4 Harry COLLEDGE FORD MODEL A TUDOR 1929 0 Mod 75 V
Meash25 cl_1f 9 14 Mrs Rachel BLAKE FRAZER NASH SUPER SPORTS 1925 0 Std 87 ;
Meash25 cl_1f 10 15 Wilfred CAWLEY FRAZER NASH SUPER SPORTS 1925 0 Std 103 ;
Meash25 cl_1f 11 1 Simon ARSCOTT ASTON MARTIN 2 litre speed 1937 0 Mod 270 ;
Meash25 cl_1f 12 5 Paul DYAS BENTLEY DERBY 1937 0 Mod 460 ;
Meash25 cl_1f 13 8 Tim BRITNELL SUNBEAM 20HP 1931 0 Std 460 ;


class 1s
Trophy Class Slow Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_1s 1 29 Matthew BELL MORRIS OXFORD 1926 0 Unk 16 The Jeddere-Fisher Trophy
Meash25 cl_1s 2 27 Jeremy EVANS MG TD Midget 1953 0 Unk 23 2nd Class
Meash25 cl_1s 3 31 William MARSH AUSTIN 7 ULSTER 1929 0 Mod 37 3rd Class; V
Meash25 cl_1s 4 32 Archie BULLETT GN Vittesse 1922 0 Mod 158 V
Meash25 cl_1s 5 30 Laurie PATTON AUSTIN 7 CHUMMY 1929 0 Std 182 ;
Meash25 cl_1s 6 28 Jim BAYLISS FRAZER NASH TT REPLICA 1935 0 Mod 460 N


class 2v
Clubmans Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_2v 1 37 Ben BAYLISS FORD MODEL A 1928 0 Unk 124 V
Meash25 cl_2v 2 33 Andrew MORTIMER RILEY 12/6 LYNX 1933 0 Mod 127 ;
Meash25 cl_2v 3 36 William TWELVETREES RILEY LYNX 1933 0 Std 183 V
Meash25 cl_2v 4 38 Jack BOND MORRIS COWLEY 2 STR 1926 0 Mod 220 V
Meash25 cl_2v 5 34 Adrian DUCKER RILEY 9 TOURER 1930 0 Mod 460 V
Meash25 cl_2v 6 35 Joseph STOLLERY RILEY 9 Mk3 1929/30 0 Spl 460 ;


class 3v
Champagne Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_3v 1 42 Andrew FRANK BUICK Standard 6 Touring 2 1927 0 Std 5 V
Meash25 cl_3v 2 39 Mr Mark DANIELL AUSTIN Austin 7 RK 1929 0 Unk 10 V
Meash25 cl_3v 3 41 Gordon HODGKINSON RILEY SPORTS 1934/36 0 Spl 355 ;
Meash25 cl_3v 4 40 Jonathan WARD MORRIS OXFORD 1926 0 tba 366 ;
Meash25 cl_3v 5 43 Philip WOODFIELD LANCHESTER 10 - 2 door Sports C 1932 0 Unk 460 ;
Meash25 cl_3v 6 44 Miss India WALKER FORD 18 1932 0 Unk 460 ;
Meash25 cl_3v 7 45 Derren D'ARCHAMBAUD ALVIS FIREBIRD 1936 0 Unk 460 ;


class 4f
Invited Trophy Fast Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_4f 1 16 Paul Visiting Car Unknown 2000 0 Inv 26 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 2 23 Alex VOLVO Amazon 1965 0 tba 84 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 3 19 Dr Dick PATTEN MG Magnette 1955 0 Unk 236 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 4 22 Alan Volvo Amazon 1962 0 Unk 276 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 5 21 Martin Visiting Car Unknown 2000 0 Inv 340 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 6 17 Bernard NORTHMORE AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 1959 0 Unk 460 ;
Meash25 cl_4f 7 18 Matt MORRIS Mini 1964 0 Unk 460 V


class 4s
Invited Trophy Slow Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_4s 1 20 Priscilla LLEWELYN MG A ROADSTER 1960 0 Unk 460 V


class 5i
Invited Clubmans Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_5i 1 24 David FORD Cortina 1967 0 Unk 21 ;
Meash25 cl_5i 2 25 John FORT PORSCHE 356 1959 0 Unk 57 ;


class 6i
Invited Champagne Year cc Elig Score Award
Meash25 cl_6i 1 46 Matthew MOORE AUSTIN A40 1960 0 Unk 142 V
Meash25 cl_6i 2 49 Adam FORSTER MG MG A 1959 0 Unk 196 V
Meash25 cl_6i 3 48 Miss Emily MARTIN MORRIS MINOR 1957 0 Unk 306 ;
Meash25 cl_6i 4 47 Dr. Andy FINCHAM MG C-type Roadster 1968 0 Unk 460 ;