Free Adverts for VSCC Members

Friday 08 March 2013

Members can now advertise "Cars For Sale" and "Spares" free of charge in the Club's Newsletter and on this website.
At the February Committee meeting it was agreed that the Club should insert members’ private advertisements for “Eligible Cars” and “Spares” free of charge, for  up to a maximum of six advertisements per year in each category, in the Club’s Newsletter and on the Club's website.  All other categories, including trade advertisements for cars by trader members would continue to attract charges as at present.   It was agreed that this should be implemented with immediate effect with refunds to eligible advertisers in the March Newsletter. 

To place an advertisement, simply log in to your account, select ‘Your Adverts’, then ‘Add New’ and then follow the on-screen prompts. The maximum size for each free advert is 70 words.

The full scale of charges for members is:

Cars For Sale, Lineage Classifieds: Free (up to 70 words) or £13.00 (over 70 words)
Cars For Sale, With Photograph Classifieds: Free (up to 70 words) or £28.00 (over 70 words)
Spares, Lineage Classifieds: Free (up to 70 words) or £9.00 (over 70 words)
Spares, with photograph Classifieds: Free (up to 70 words) or £24.00 (over 70 words)
Cars & Spares Wanted, Lineage Classifieds: £13.00
Cars and Spares Wanted, With Photograph Classifieds: £28.00
Interesting But Non-Eligible, Lineage Classifieds: £13.00
Interesting but Non-Eligible, With Photograph Classifieds: £28.00
Miscellaneous, Lineage Classifieds: £13.00
Miscellaneous, With Photograph Classifieds:£28.00
Services & Traders, Lineage Classifieds: £28.00
Services & Traders, With Photograph Classifieds: £43.00
Free Adverts