Last Call for the VSCC Herefordshire Trial, 16/17 March 2013!
Monday 04 March 2013
Following the Club’s visit to the Peak District for our annual John Harris (Derbyshire) Trial this past weekend, members are reminded that entries close for the Club’s next Trial, the Herefordshire (16/17 March) the end of day today, Monday 4 March.
Mark Garfitt’s two-day event, starting lunchtime on Saturday 16 March through to a mid afternoon finish on Sunday is a terrific recipe for a relaxed weekend of motor sport, with plenty of time to travel removing the normal Friday night fight with traffic to get to your B&B and home again come the conclusion. The organizing team is sure to offer a challenging but enjoyable event, including the evermore tactical ‘Optional Stop Restart’. Let’s hope the sun continues to shine as the Trials season breaks into the Spring!
Entry Fee: £63 (½ Price for those aged 30 years and under on 1 January 2013).
Enter online or download an Entry Form to complete and return (fax/email acceptable) from the event page HERE.
We also encourage any more volunteers wishing to marshal on the event (either or both days) to contact the Competition Department now so we can forward your name to the local organizing team. Call 01608 644777 Ext 4 or email
And don’t forget…
The annual Supper Party on Saturday night in the Concert Barn at How Caple Court, to which Marshals are equally welcome, is a ‘must-do’ on the social calendar, with fantastic food and the announcement of the all important ‘halftime’ scores. Book your places now on your Entry Form or contact the Competition Department (£13 per person, payable at Signing-On).
Entry Fee: £63 (½ Price for those aged 30 years and under on 1 January 2013).
Enter online or download an Entry Form to complete and return (fax/email acceptable) from the event page HERE.
We also encourage any more volunteers wishing to marshal on the event (either or both days) to contact the Competition Department now so we can forward your name to the local organizing team. Call 01608 644777 Ext 4 or email
And don’t forget…
The annual Supper Party on Saturday night in the Concert Barn at How Caple Court, to which Marshals are equally welcome, is a ‘must-do’ on the social calendar, with fantastic food and the announcement of the all important ‘halftime’ scores. Book your places now on your Entry Form or contact the Competition Department (£13 per person, payable at Signing-On).