Exmoor Fringe Trial, Saturday 16 February – A Call for Marshals!
Tuesday 29 January 2013
The Vintage Sports-Car Club is heading to the South-West region soon for our celebrated annual Exmoor Fringe Trial and we still require a number of volunteers to help run the event.
The trial will take place on Saturday 16 February, with the event headquarters situated once again at the Anchor Inn, Exebridge, Somerset, TA22 9AZ.
Although many have offered their services to the Club already, a number of marshals are still needed to man our competitive sections, with morning hills (open 0900 – 1430hrs) and afternoon hills (1230 – 1700hrs). It is an ideal chance to see the action at close-hand and a great way to get involved with the Club’s sporting activities. Previous experience is not required as we will ensure any novices are allocated with more experienced marshals to guide them through the day.
If you would like to volunteer for this event please email Marshal Co-ordinator Ian Horsnell directly on with your contact details, level of experience as a marshal for trials and any preference as to the time of day that you are available i.e. am or pm hill. You will then receive Marshals’ Instructions for the day by email or post approximately a week before the event.
Alternatively, please contact the Club Office on 01608 644777 Ext 4 and we will be happy to forward your details to the local organising team.
Our marshals are an integral part of the Club and we simply could not hold any events without the dedication and hard work of our volunteers. To read more about Marshalling with the VSCC, visit our Marshals pages on our website (click HERE)
Although many have offered their services to the Club already, a number of marshals are still needed to man our competitive sections, with morning hills (open 0900 – 1430hrs) and afternoon hills (1230 – 1700hrs). It is an ideal chance to see the action at close-hand and a great way to get involved with the Club’s sporting activities. Previous experience is not required as we will ensure any novices are allocated with more experienced marshals to guide them through the day.
If you would like to volunteer for this event please email Marshal Co-ordinator Ian Horsnell directly on with your contact details, level of experience as a marshal for trials and any preference as to the time of day that you are available i.e. am or pm hill. You will then receive Marshals’ Instructions for the day by email or post approximately a week before the event.
Alternatively, please contact the Club Office on 01608 644777 Ext 4 and we will be happy to forward your details to the local organising team.
Our marshals are an integral part of the Club and we simply could not hold any events without the dedication and hard work of our volunteers. To read more about Marshalling with the VSCC, visit our Marshals pages on our website (click HERE)