Don’t forget to volunteer to marshal for the 2013 season!
Wednesday 09 January 2013
Enclosed with the January Newsletter, Members will have received the new-look Marshals’ Volunteering Form.
We are very aware that the Club relies upon its volunteer Marshals to be able to deliver the quality and quantity of events which we currently offer, and thank all of those who undertake duties each year.
The more events you are able to attend, the more likely you are to qualify for the Club’s prestigious Marshals’ Dinner, which incorporates our annual Marshals’ Awards presentation and is held to reward our loyal band of volunteers.
Besides the Marshals’ Dinner, there are various other incentives for volunteers, including champagne or draws, the Longstone Tyre sponsored ‘Speed Event Marshals’ Draw’ with monetary prizes of £50, £30 and £20 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, as well as having you name listed in the event programme.
Most Marshals volunteer because they enjoy the camaraderie of the socialising with like minded people and making friends. Marshalling is a great way to get up close to the action whether you own a competition car or not.
For those Members working towards their Race & Speed License upgrades, they should note that you can obtain a signature towards upgrading by marshalling trackside at a Race or Speed event once a year. Meaning that you’re not only helping the Club, but helping yourself at the same time and gaining knowledge of how the marshals make the track safer for you and your fellow competitors.
There various roles which you need no previous experience for and allow you to make a contribution to the running of the event and therefore success of the Club. For more specialised roles full training and supervision is provided from an experienced volunteer. To find out more details of the ways you can help CLICK HERE.
For those who wish to volunteer to assist the Club with their competitive events, there are several ways you can do this. . . .
VOLUNTEER ONLINE by visiting the Join In page, click on Marshal, and Event Volunteering. This will take you to an online form which is easy to complete and advises the Office immediately of how you would like to help.
Complete the MARSHALS VOLUNTEERING FORM you received with your January Newsletter and return to the Club Office by post or fax to 01608 644888.
EMAIL the Competitions Department with a list of the events and duties you would be happy to undertake
CALL the Competitions Department on 01608 644777 ext 4 with details of your volunteering.
The more events you are able to attend, the more likely you are to qualify for the Club’s prestigious Marshals’ Dinner, which incorporates our annual Marshals’ Awards presentation and is held to reward our loyal band of volunteers.
Besides the Marshals’ Dinner, there are various other incentives for volunteers, including champagne or draws, the Longstone Tyre sponsored ‘Speed Event Marshals’ Draw’ with monetary prizes of £50, £30 and £20 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, as well as having you name listed in the event programme.
Most Marshals volunteer because they enjoy the camaraderie of the socialising with like minded people and making friends. Marshalling is a great way to get up close to the action whether you own a competition car or not.
For those Members working towards their Race & Speed License upgrades, they should note that you can obtain a signature towards upgrading by marshalling trackside at a Race or Speed event once a year. Meaning that you’re not only helping the Club, but helping yourself at the same time and gaining knowledge of how the marshals make the track safer for you and your fellow competitors.
There various roles which you need no previous experience for and allow you to make a contribution to the running of the event and therefore success of the Club. For more specialised roles full training and supervision is provided from an experienced volunteer. To find out more details of the ways you can help CLICK HERE.
For those who wish to volunteer to assist the Club with their competitive events, there are several ways you can do this. . . .
VOLUNTEER ONLINE by visiting the Join In page, click on Marshal, and Event Volunteering. This will take you to an online form which is easy to complete and advises the Office immediately of how you would like to help.
Complete the MARSHALS VOLUNTEERING FORM you received with your January Newsletter and return to the Club Office by post or fax to 01608 644888.
EMAIL the Competitions Department with a list of the events and duties you would be happy to undertake
CALL the Competitions Department on 01608 644777 ext 4 with details of your volunteering.