Anniversary Week Tickets

Thursday 25 July 2024

Don't Wait, Secure Them Now! (Links Below)

The Anniversary Week is packed with exciting venues:

Kickstarting with the Club's annual Vintage Prescott...

2-4 August             Vintage Prescott Camping (Fri/Sat/Sun) Tickets Here

3-4 August             Vintage Prescott Spectator Tickets Here

And onto the official Anniversary week, based out of Stratford Racecourse...

4-10 August           Stratford Racecourse Anniversary Camping Tickets Here (note: camping slots must be booked individually, this means repeating checkout for 'X' many days that you wish to camp)

9 August                 Anniversary Hill Climb At the Impney Estate Tickets Here

10 August               Anniversary Gala Day Tickets Here

10 August               Anniversary Gala Dinner Tickets Here
