Library Research

The Library at the Club office is open every weekday from 9.00am to 5.00pm, the Library is manned by the volunteer Librarians on a Wednesday and Thursday. If you wish to visit when the Library is unmanned, it is advisable to phone the office and check that your proposed visit is convenient, especially during weeks either side of large events. On a Wednesday and Thursday volunteer Librarians are present and will be able to give you full assistance.
There is parking at the office and there a number of local hostelries that can be recommended.
The Librarians will also conduct a remote search for you. Please email details of what you require in terms of magazine articles, event results and photographs and scans can be emailed to you (all copywritten so these cannot be re-published). Or write in or call to discuss your requirements on the telephone with a Librarian on a Wednesday.
Tel: 01608 644777 Ext 7
Tel: 01608 644777 Ext 7