Driving Tests

What is a Driving Test?
A Driving Test is a great way to get started in Vintage Motor Sport. Events are held wholly on private land and consist of a number of ‘Tests’ on which competitors have to follow a fixed route between markers in the fastest time possible. Should a competitor hit a marker or follow the wrong route they receive penalties. The competitor with the least number of penalties and the fastest time wins.Tests may include forward and reverse manoeuvres, ‘garage parking’, figures-of-eight or parallel parking. The trick is to memorise the test diagram. A typical event will be made up of approximately twelve tests.
The only difference between Driving Tests and Auto-solo Driving Tests is the latter do not include any reversing in the individual tests.
Where are our Events?
We hold three or four Driving Test and one or two Auto-Solo competitions each year. Our New Year Driving Tests are held at the iconic Brooklands Museum in Weybridge in January or February annually.We also visit Madresfield, near Malvern in Worcestershire over the summer months and finally round off the year at Bicester Heritage, in Oxfordshire in December.
Why enter a Driving Test?
Driving Tests are a great way to start to compete with the VSCC and reward skill and accuracy in driving.For youngsters they are particularly important as they teach car control at low speed and are a great introduction to a competitive environment at an early age.
Awards for Driving Tests and Auto-solo Driving Tests
At each driving test event there are 1st Class, 2nd Class and 3rd Class awards to the winning drivers.
In addition, the Club runs an annual aggregate awards competition for success in Driving Tests and Auto-solo events, with points scored on an equal basis for success in both types of driving tests.
The winner of the annual aggregate points award for Club Driving Tests is awarded the Tony Jones Memorial Trophy to commemorate Tony’s success in Club driving tests over many years.
How do I enter?
As with all VSCC events, there are three ways you can enter:- Online (click here)
- Download a PDF entry form and send it back by either post, email or fax (details at bottom of page)
- Send a SAE to the Club office for an entry form (address at the bottom of the page)
In terms of memberships and licences, you are required to be a VSCC member and you will need Motorsport UK Clubman Licence, which are free on application to Motorsport UK.
The minimum age for competitors is 16, however until a full road driving licence is held there is a restriction to 1400cc touring cars.
If an event is over-subscribed we select the final entries in line with the Club's selection criteria
Technical Requirements
Your car will require a Eligibility Document (Buff Form), if you don’t already have one of these please click here (click here)To see the Technical and Safety Requirements (Click here)
To see relevant VSCC documents (Click here)
This list is not exhaustive; you will also need to consult the current year's Motorsport UK Competitors' and Officials' Yearbook in addition to individual event Supplementary Regulations.
Marshalling at Club driving tests events is great fun watching Members try to perform motoring gymnastics with their cars!We always need lots of marshals for a Driving Test. Duties will typically involve timekeeping, route checking, allocating penalties for any markers which are hit and all of the usual administrative roles of signing on, and results co-ordination.
If you would like to get involved and help by marshalling at a Driving Test please click here.
Club Driving Tests started soon after WW2 at Madresfield, which is still an event organised by the local Members today. The first event at Madresfield was referred to as a Rally, however, in reality, it resembled the event we run there today. The inaugural Madresfield event took place on 22 June 1947 and this remains the “Jewel in the Crown” to this day.Driving Tests regularly featured as part of larger VSCC events, often as tie breakers for rallies or trials and are a regular feature in early VSCC regulations.
We now run a limited number of Driving Tests each year, including Madresfield, however, both the New Years and Winter driving tests are well established and of crucial sporting and historical significance to the Club.

Some thoughts from Club Members:
‘Madresfield was wonderful as usual. Noel's son Kit also experienced his first ever VSCC event in our Gordon England... and loved it. He is still keen to come back next year and battle it out with his younger brother too!’ Nicola Quartermaine
‘Thank you to the NYDT organisers and marshals for another entertaining and (for me anyway) intellectually demanding day. The logic built into the tests and generous use of "landmark" cones was much appreciated - and yet I can still do it wrong!’ Stuart Ulph
‘Many thanks to the organisers, from the gaggle of Browns. Looks like the old man may have bagged an award in the standard saloon - makes all the smoke and noise the younger ones made seem a little unnecessary. I found the tests an excellent challenge of mind and car - the one test where I decided to push found me pick up my only fault.’ Tim Brown