VSCC Documents and Downloads

Join In

The latest version of the VSCC documents can be found here and supersedes any other documents embedded in this web site's content. Click on the document you wish to open or download as a PDF.  

For VSCC Members Only Documents Please Click Here


+ Marshals Volunteering - https://www.vscc.co.uk/page/event-volunteering  

Technical & Safety

Before you enter please ensure you are compliant in every way, if you have any questions please email comps@vscc.co.uk

+ Technical and Safety doc (please contact comps@vscc.co.uk for information or check the Motorsport UK website.)

Speed Events

Here is a copy of the Standard Speed Regulations 2025 - click here

For General Regulations, which have more technical content and Supplemetary Regulations which relate to specific speed events - please navigate to the event in which you are interested.

Race Meetings

Our Race meetings have two Championships, the Motorsport Brooklands Memorial Trophy for which the Championship Regulations are posted here and the Longstone Vintage Championship for which the Championship Regulations can be found here.

Like speed events, each race meeting has General Regulations, which have more technical content and Supplementary Regulations which relate to the specific race meeting - for these Regulations please navigate to the specific race meeting in which you are interested, look under 'Events'.

Trophies & Rules

Annual Aggregate Trophy Rules 2021 - this has been updated to include the correct marshalling point calculation as agreed by the MVSC in November 2021