The Board of Directors comprises of appointed officers and elected members as follows:
President. Normally serves three years in office.
Vice President, appointed by the President.
Honorary Treasurer, appointed by the Board.
7 members elected by the membership.
The Club, by tradition, pays no expenses of the members of the Board of Directors, nor does the Club pay for the accommodation costs of the Board of Directors or provide any other benefits in their role as Directors. However, should a member of the Bored of Directors incur costs as organiser of an event, then expenses will be reimbursed under the arrangements for that event.
The Board of Directors normally meets once per calendar month, except December, usually at the Club offices in Chipping Norton. Business for the Board is assembled through the Secretary and/or President prior to each meeting. The Agenda and Minutes are circulated to Board members and a précis of the Board's business is normally published in the Club’s monthly Newsletter.