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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
931 Cecil Clutton (Memorial Service Address) Palumbo  1991 B 34 View
932 Celebrating 50 Years Daimler & Lanchester OwnersC Edmund Waterhouse  1999 M 3032 View
933 Celebration of Centenary of British Motor Indusry Burgess-Wise, David  1996 C 676 View
934 Cent Ans d'Automobile Francaise Rousseau, J & Caron J-P  1984 L 2752 View
935 Centenary Brochure (coachbuilding) Mulligan, E  1951 H 2637 View
936 Centenary Exhibition Guide July 2022 Austin Seven Clubs  2022 M 3882 View
937 Centenary of the Car, 1885-1985 Whyte, Andrew  1984 H 1170 View
938 Century of Conquest Castrol Achievements Graves, Richard  1998 L 3760 View
939 Century of Traction Engines, A Hughes, W J  1959 H 1260 View
940 Chain-Drive Frazer Nash, The Thirlby, D  1965 M 295 View