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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
921 Catalog of 1951 Automobiles Clymer  1951 E 117 View
922 Catalog of 1952 Automobiles Clymer  1952 E 118 View
923 Catalog of 1953 Automobiles Clymer  1953 E 119 View
924 Catalog of 1954 Automobiles Clymer  1954 E 120 View
925 Catalog of 1955 American Automobiles Clymer  1955 E 121 View
926 Catalog of 1956 Automobiles Clymer  1956 E 122 View
927 Catalogue des Catalogues   1949 Y 1431 View
928 Catechism of the Motor Car, A Knight  1914 TG 877 View
929 CAV Accumulators, Lighting (2 booklets)   1912 TLEL 2000 View
930 Cavalcade of Motoring Sedgwick, M  1972 E 1887 View