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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
771 Bugatti Queen, The Seymour, Miranda  2004 B 2187 View
772 Bugatti Register and Data Book Conway, H G  1962 M 2563 View
773 Bugatti Story Boddy  1961 M 284 View
774 Bugatti Story, The Bugatti, L'Ebe  1967 M 1568 View
775 Bugatti Type 40 Price B & Arbey J-L  2000 M 1120 View
776 Bugatti Type 41 to Type 55 Clarke.R.M.  2009 M 2786 View
777 Bugatti Type 46 & 50 Price, B  2000 M 1206 View
778 Bugatti Type 46 (la Petite Royale) Klein, Saunier, Jansen  2008 M 2523 View
779 Bugatti Type 50. Great Cars 13 Morris, Mark & Kruta, Julius  2019 R 3263 View
780 Bugatti Type 57 Grand Prix Tomlinson, Neil Max  2015 R 3714 View