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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
761 Bugatti Kestler Paul  1994 M 2604 View
762 Bugatti Meredith  2001 M 1557 View
763 Bugatti - A Racing History Venables, D  2002 R 1854 View
764 Bugatti - Evolution of a Style Kestler, P  1977 M 2550 View
765 Bugatti - La Gloire Zagari  1993 VL 1571 View
766 Bugatti - Le Pur Sang (Revised edition) Conway, H  1968 M 1586 View
767 Bugatti - the Man and the Marque Wood, J  2007 M 2350 View
768 Bugatti - Thoroughbreds from Molsheim Dumont, P  1975 M 2548 View
769 Bugatti Book Eaglesfield/Hampton  1954 M 287 View
770 Bugatti Catalogue (German language) Hucke, M & U  ? M 2564 View