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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
591 Bill Thompson, Australian Motor Racing Champion Kent Patrick  VL 4048 View
592 Birmingham CroporationTramways A Short Review P.L.Hardy  1971 PV 3233 View
593 Birth of a Giant Crabb  1969 H 204 View
594 Birth of a Legend The Spitfire Quill, Jeffrey  1987 H 3634 View
595 Birth of the British Motor Car, Vol 1 Nicholson, T R  1982 H 1052 View
596 Birth of the British Motor Car, Vol 2 Nicholson, T R  1982 H 1053 View
597 Birth of the British Motor Car, Vol 3 Nicholson, T R  1982 H 1054 View
598 Bits and Pieces Bira, Prince  1942 R 488 View
599 Bizzarini Koobs de Hartog, J et al  2001 R 1916 View
600 Black Bess [Bugatti] Boddy  0 M 341 View