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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3971 World of Racing Cars Eric Dymock  1972 R 3056 View
3972 World of the Autmobile Stein  1973 H 0689 View
3973 World Sports Car Championship Posthumus, Cyril  1961 R 3416 View
3974 World understanding on Two Wheels Pratt, Paul  2001 B 4015 View
3975 World's Automobiles (incl 1943 Supplement) Doyle  1943 E 123 View
3976 World's Automobiles 1862-1962 Doyle/Georgano  1963 E 1880 View
3977 World's Automobiles 1880-1955, &1881-1931 Doyle  1957 E 98 View
3978 World's Automobiles 1880-1958 3rd Edition G.R.Doyle  1959 E 3140 View
3979 World's Commercial Vehicles 1830-1964 Georgano, N  1965 PV 1810 View
3980 World's Fastest Diesel , JCB Dieselmax Tremayne, David  2006 R 3763 View