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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3761 TWR-Porsche WSC95 - Great Cars No 16 Serge Vanbockryck  2022 R 3266 View
3762 Type 35 Grand Prix Bugatti Eaton  1966 R 641 View
3763 UK Circuit Guide Les Charneca  2011 R 4005 View
3764 Ultimate Classic Car Book Willson, Q  1995 E 1667 View
3765 Under My Bonnet Minchin, G R N  1950 B 1603 View
3766 Understand Your Car Hazell  1936 TG 1632 View
3767 Understanding your car. Hazell.H.A.  1941 T.G 2812 View
3768 Unusual Cars (of?) Indianapolis Engel  1970 R 555 View
3769 Up to Speed The Roycroft Years in NZ Motor Racing Scott Thomson  2006 B 3400 View
3770 Up-to-Date Motor Commercial Road Transport Phillimore  1920 TG 738 View