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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3381 The Autocar Handbook   1914 Y 2851 View
3382 The Autocar Handbook. Autocar  1945 TG 2814 View
3383 The Automobile (Vol 1) Hasluck  1909 TG 868 View
3384 The Automobile (Vol 1) Hasluck, P N  1905 TG 2035 View
3385 The Automobile (Vol 2) Hasluck  1909 TG 869 View
3386 The Automobile (Vol 3) Hasluck  1909 TG 870 View
3387 The Automobile - The First Century Burgess-Wise, Boddy, Laban  1983 H 3080 View
3388 The Automobile Engineer Year Booh for 1912   1912 TG 3591 View
3389 The Automobile Show Crystal Palace 1903   1973 Y 3537 View
3390 The Automobile Treasury of Ireland Finbarr Corry  1979 H 2831 View