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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
241 Alvis Car, The Day, K R  1965 M 276 View
242 Alvis Cars 1924-1939   M 1710 View
243 Alvis Cars in Competition Taylor, Clive  2018 M 3507 View
244 Alvis Cars in Competition - The Centenary Taylor, Clive  2019 M 3629 View
245 Alvis Collection 1924-1939 Clarke  L 1315 View
246 Alvis Collection 1940-1965 Clarke  L 1316 View
247 Alvis Firefly Twelve Fisher, S  2007 M 2298 View
248 Alvis Gold Portfolio   1989 M 1701 View
249 Alvis in the Thirties Clarke  M 1292 View
250 Alvis Publicity - the Leopold Adams Legacy Johnson, N  1997 M 1711 View