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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
161 AC Ace & Aceca 1953-1983. Brooklands Books R.M.Clarke  1990 M 3719 View
162 AC and Cobra McLellan  1982 M 3922 View
163 AC Cars 1904-2009 Brooklands Books Clarke, R.M  2011 M 3687 View
164 AC Cars 1926-1961 Alder, Trevor  1996 M 3868 View
165 AC Cobra The truth hehind the Anglo-USA legend Mills, Rinsey  2002 M 3924 View
166 AC Heritage, 90 years from 3-Wheeler to Cobra Taylor, Simon & Burn Peter  1996 M 3867 View
167 AC Two-litre Saloons & Buckland Sports cars Archibald, Leo  2002 M 3866 View
168 AC [Cars] Watkins, M  1976 M 1679 View
169 Acceleration (Simms: 1891-1964) Morgan  1965 H 197 View
170 Ace Bristol Racing A Competition History John Mclellan & Tony Bancroft  1998 M 2790 View